One Inexpensive Way of Putting Up a Website for Your Roofing Business

What else is left nowadays that is not seen in the internet? If you want to know the latest fashion trend, superb vacation spots for backpackers or tricks on how to easily put a cover unto a duvet, you don’t go asking for someone’s help; you go ask Google. To think that these examples are just even under our “wants” list, you can just imagine that the net will all the more cover the necessities in life. One great example is our need for a strong, durable roof.
We Australians know the importance of an excellent roofing. Our country’s extreme climate and weather disturbances remind us to get quality. As long as there is one Australian alive, the roofing industry in this country will not die. And as long as Australians need roofs, the internet will always be one of the easiest and fastest way of closing a transaction between a buyer and a supplier.
Now that we have established those premises, let’s zoom in on your side, the supplier side.
What are your new gimmicks in getting more appointments and sales? Have you had more new clients and loyal clients outside your 9-mile radius? Have you made your presence felt online? Have you put up a website to be more reachable, marketable and accommodating to potential (and younger) customers?
Just like obtaining your permits and licenses in roof plumbing, roof slating or roof tilting, having a website for your business is beneficial for you. A great website will compliment your licenses as it gives you the credibility that you really mean excellent quality roofing materials and services. And as I’ve mentioned in the title, there is an inexpensive way of putting up a website. All you have to do is look outside the shores of Australia and into the beautiful islands of the Philippines.
Before you go exploring the fun activities you can do there, let’s focus first on how you can save tons of cash if you outsourced your roofing website rather than have it made here.
The cost of developing and putting a website in Australia will be around $5,000 to $15,000. Here’s why:
– Planning and strategizing your website content will require technical specialty which is not cheap. This can go up to $1,000,
– Crafting the appropriate user experience such as wireframes, user journeys and sitemap will need $250 to $1,750,
– Another grand or two for the digital design,
– Web development in WordPress or SilverStripe will cost $3,000 to $8,000,
– Search Engine Optimization to make you visible in the first pages of an online search will be up to $2,800, and
– Website copywriting to make your contents beautiful, appropriate and SEO-compliant will take another $1,900 from your pockets.
If you choose to outsource all these to a Philippine web developer, you will only need to invest $599 and comes with free domain and hosting for 12 months. Amazing, right?
Don’t worry about the quality of work they do. The websites made from outsourcing are still great even if you spend a fraction of the cost should you have decided to have your roofing website done here. There have been a lot of companies abroad that trust the outputs of Philippine-based web developers and they have not made any complaints about it. You can check this sample portfolio or visit, and to see and feel the kind of work these web developers do.
Try it out for yourself. 😉
P.S. Why not ask the web developer to display your licenses, affiliations and list of customers to add more oomph to your roofing website? You can also request to have an online technical support in a form of a guest relations officer who should be available for a real-time virtual chat (this could be you or someone in your team who is good in handling questions), a shopping cart for ease of purchase, and different options of payment such as cash on delivery, credit card or bank deposits. Just have a great relationship with your outsourced contractor and your roofing website will look good and will convert more visitors to customers.